Friday, February 11, 2011

Where the wild things are.

First post. I am a human being going through our everyday problems like other "human beings". I feel that writing is a power that people can tell and feel as they en-corporate ideas. Words are strong. They can make or break a person. They can help or hurt a person. They can help us understand each other. HUMANS=Words. We use them everyday. But what makes one persons words stronger than another? Why do we see so much hate and tragedy in our society due to ones "words". Yeah, theres the cliche "we are all equal".. but are we really? How is it that a nation of 100 million can find a leader such as a presidents "words" more factual than the man who works at Mcdonalds? President>Minimum wage man. We aren't equal. We feel as our own person that we are better than our neighbors, our friends, and the people you pass on the way to work.
      I have lots and lots of thoughts that run through my head. Thats why i created "Wide-eyed humans" for people like me who have this mind set that as human beings we all have "blind spots". We aren't perfect, we're humans.

I leave you with that.

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